Halloween Fun for Young Science Fans
Parents of young children can turn this ghoulish holiday into learning fun. Here are almost two dozen science projects, all related to Halloween.
Parents of young children can turn this ghoulish holiday into learning fun. Here are almost two dozen science projects, all related to Halloween.
Education.com is a cool website that allows parents to create their own educational worksheets and handouts. And the site devotes a section to our favorite ghoulish holiday; check out the party, craft and learning ideas offered to make your Halloween the scariest and most fun ever.
If you’re in charge of the holiday feast this week, here are some math tips to make sure no one goes home hungry.
Thanksgiving is a day for families to rejoice in being together. Carving out some time for family activities is a must-do. Here are some activities for making the holiday special for everyone. Happy Thanksgiving from Miracle Math Coaching!
Parents might not be the most skilled experts at helping their children with Math, but now there’s hope. Here are 5 ways you can use the web for that purpose. (And don’t forget to call Miracle Math Coaching at (707) 398-3474 for professional help.
Adults in general have a tough time with math, and so it’s understandable that kids can use an assist. And what better way of helping than using a concept that most people love anyway – sports? Read about the ways that understanding ball playing can lead to good grades in math.
Of all the traits of doing well in school and in life, nothing beats having a good memory. And parents can help improve the recall skills of their students using these guidelines.