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The Statistics of New Year’s Resolutions
Last Monday, we showed you how New Year’s resolutions can help students do better in school. As we’re closer to the beginning of the year, you may be curious about what others are resolving to do (or stop doing). Here’s a snapshot of just that.
Learning about Kwanza
For some families, the day AFTER Christmas is the time to begin celebrating. Kwanza is a holiday that honors African culture and heritage and lasts from December 26th through January 1st. Its rituals include the lighting of one of seven candles each night to commemorate a different spiritual principle. There are many ways to teach…
The Math of Christmas Eve…
How DOES Santa deliver all of those gifts on Christmas Eve? It’s all in the Math! Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!!
Using New Year’s Resolutions to Help your Children become Better Students
By Deanna Hurn, Executive Director of Miracle Math Coaching New Year’s is less than two weeks away, and now is a great time to find new ways to help your kids when school starts. You can help them excel if they’re already classroom stars. Or you can help them wipe their academic slate clean if they’re…
Holiday Gifts for your Budding Scientists, Technologists, Engineers and Mathematicians
If you’re hitting the stores in these final days before Christmas, look for toys that stimulate the mind. Educators are emphasizing learning related to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math). So why not seek games and gadgets specifically aimed at instilling STEM skills?
Gifts that Teach Kids the Value of a Dollar
Just in time for the season, here are some gifts that put money in perspective. What better way to instill financial values than giving presents that introduce kids to financial success. (And there’s Math involved, too!)
8 Facts to Help Teach Children about Hanukkah
Tuesday evening, December 16th, marks the beginning of Hanukah, “The Festival of Lights.” Though it often falls in December, this holiday is not a Jewish version of Christmas. Rather, it’s a celebration of the Jewish victory over the Syrian-Greeks in 165 B.C.E. For students who don’t know the story, here are eight facts to relay….
More Advice for Parenting during the Holidays
A few weeks ago, we gave you some guidelines for lessening the stresses of the holiday season. As the pace of activities increases, you can also try these tips for keeping calm and carrying on.
10 Ways to Improve your Child’s Memory
Of all the traits of doing well in school and in life, nothing beats having a good memory. And parents can help improve the recall skills of their students using these guidelines.
The Numbers of the Holidays
How much is spent in the United States on toys each holiday season? How many candles, which are used in Hanukkah and Kwanza celebrations, are sold? How many pieces of mail are delivered? Check out these and other fun holiday number facts.
Sports is a Winner when it Comes to Teaching Math
Adults in general have a tough time with math, and so it’s understandable that kids can use an assist. And what better way of helping than using a concept that most people love anyway – sports? Read about the ways that understanding ball playing can lead to good grades in math.
Advice for Relieving your Kids’ Holiday Stress
The holiday season is a time of joy and celebration. But along with all of the fun and festivities comes stress – for parents and kids alike. Mom and Dad can alleviate some of the anxiety by following a few simple tips.
5 Online Ways of Helping Your Kids Learn Math
Parents might not be the most skilled experts at helping their children with Math, but now there’s hope. Here are 5 ways you can use the web for that purpose. (And don’t forget to call Miracle Math Coaching at (707) 398-3474 for professional help.
Parents and Kids: A Guide for Smoothing Out your Relationship
Holidays are great for families, but they can bring on stress, too, especially between parents and kids. Want to learn how to become more in sync with your offspring year -round? Check out these ideas.
Activities for Spending Time Together on Thanksgiving Day
Thanksgiving is a day for families to rejoice in being together. Carving out some time for family activities is a must-do. Here are some activities for making the holiday special for everyone. Happy Thanksgiving from Miracle Math Coaching!