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10 Activities to Keep Younger Students Busy this Summer
It’s especially tough to keep elementary school children energized during this time of year. Here are some ideas. And if you want your child assessed to enroll in Miracle Math Coaching programs during the Summer, contact us here.
The Common Core: Pros and Cons
We’ve been singing the praises of the Common Core, but there are other voices out there, too. In the interest of fairness, this article tells both sides of the story. And as a reminder: to learn how your child can take advantage of Common Core-inspired coaching at Miracle Math, visit us here.
Pinterest Tackles the “Summer Slide”
Social media is all the rage, and Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are now household words. Pinterest is another great way of connecting. Think of it as a giant catalogue on which you “pin” images to communicate what’s important to you. (Forgive this basic definition for the tech savvy among us.) “Summer Slide,” the academic loss…
Californians Support the Common Core
If you’re reading about the Common Core, you know that there are pros and cons (we’ll provide more details in coming blog entries). But Californians are definitely on the pro side. And if you want your child assessed for Miracle Math Coaching programs that are aligned with the Common Core, contact us by filling out…
Happy Memorial Day!
During this Memorial Day weekend, we celebrate the men and women who have served and fought for our country. Check out the numbers behind how we pay tribute.
12 Weeks of Summer Fun for Teens
It’s tough keeping teenagers energized and engaged during the summer. But that’s your goal to protect them from the “Summer Slide.” This 12-week guide of summer activities just for teens should help.
Dramatic Look at Summer Learning Loss by NBC News
Research shows that Summer Learning Loss, also called the “Summer Slide,” is worse for children from low-income backgrounds. By contrast, middle-income children generally have more opportunity for academic activities, which gives them huge advantages in school. Here’s how Brian Williams of NBC News explains it. If you want your child assessed for Miracle Math Coaching…
Lots More on the Common Core…
You’re going to hear a lot about the Common Core from us in the coming weeks. For more of the basics, check out this resource guide provided by an organization called Edutopia. And if you would like more specific information or you want to have your child assessed for the Miracle Math Coaching programs (which…
All About the Dreaded Summer Slide
With June almost here, kids are ready to celebrate the end of reading, writing and arithmetic. But not so fast. Your kids are at risk of forgetting much of what they’ve learned during the school. That loss is called the “Summer Slide,” and you can prevent it. Learn more about it here. In the weeks…
What are the Common Core Standards, and Why Should Parents Care about Them?
By now, you’ve heard a lot about a new set of standards that California and other states will adopt in schools in the Fall. They’re called the Common Core, and we first introduced them to you in a January 2014 blog post. We’ll provide much more information about the Common Core in the months ahead. …
Want to Keep your Brain Sharp? Get Weird.
We all know the brain is a muscle that needs exercise to stay strong. Here are 14 strange, but effective, ways to keep you and your family mentally sharp.
What Will Your Children Read this Summer?
Summer’s just around the corner, and it’s not too early to think about what you want your sons and daughters to read when it gets here. Check out these recommended reading lists for books that will enchant and entertain.
Talk with Your Kids about Money
If you want your daughters and sons to be financially responsible adults, it’s never too early to talk with them about money, according to new research.
Where Parents in the Know Learn about Education
If you’re a parent with hopes of getting junior into Harvard or you just want to know more about our education system, take note. Here are 25 top blogs for keeping parents informed and empowered about education.
Mathematician tops “Best Job” List
If you enjoy solving for X and finding sines and cosines, you could be headed for career nirvana. Based upon salary and growth potential, mathematicians have the best jobs, according to a recent study.