Added by Emmeline in order to easily access migrated blog posts.
Want your children to eat well? Then eat well yourself.
Recent research shows that how much food Mom and Dad put on their own plates influences how much they put on their children’s plates. And that has strong implications for helping kids develop good eating habits.
Middle School Test Scores Predict Tech Career Success
We know that careers in the technology fields – like engineering and computer science – pay big bucks. But did you know that way before you’re an adult, as early as when you’re in middle school, you can increase your chances of landing a great future tech job? That’s according to a recent study.
Why Math is Important
We say it all the time. We repeat it all the time. And, here it is, yet again. This is why Math is important.
You Can be Proud when Your Toddler Splatters the Peas
The messier your children are, the more they learn, according to a recent study.
What Will the New SAT Look Like for Math?
In March, we told you about big changes in store for the SAT. Here’s info on specifically how Math will be affected.
How Smart are We Compared to the Rest of the World?
The Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) administers a test every two years to 15 year olds around the world. The PISA exam covers Math, Reading and Science and results can compare academic achievement among students from different countries. So how well did we do?
Hands Down, this is a Cooler Way to Teach Math
Turns out that teaching Math while students sit completely still at their desks isn’t the best way to go. Check out how a few animated gestures can help.
The Math of Pixar Movies
Let’s have no more complaints about how classroom Math lessons can’t be applied to real life. Check out Pixar Research Lead Tony DeRose discuss the film company’s use of Math to create wonderful animated films like “Brave” and “Toy Story.”
How to Win the Homework Wars
Sometimes, getting your offspring to do homework can feel like going to war. Here are some tips for winning the battle.
Getting Little Hands Dirty: Lessons Culled from the Garden
It’s officially Spring, a great time to sharpen little minds with lessons that can be taught while gardening. Here’s how to get started.
Want Better Grades? Get More Sleep…
A recent study concluded that teenagers who stayed up late earned lower grades than those who went to bed earlier. “Night owls” also experienced more emotional distress than their peers.
Some Ideas for Celebrating Math Awareness Month in April
Math is so important to our daily lives that April has been designated the month to celebrate it. Here are three ways to do just that…
When it Comes to Homework, Hands off Mom and Dad
Parents usually want to support their sons and daughters academically as much as possible. But a study shows that helping with homework might not be the way to go.
How to Earn Perfect Grades…
All students aspire to that elusive goal of getting A’s in every class. Here are tips for doing it.
Oh, the Power of a Good Laugh…
A Wall Street Journal article reports that, among other benefits, laughter helps us think better: “A 1976 study by Avner Ziv of Tel Aviv University found that those who listened to a comedy album before taking a creativity test performed 20% better than those who weren’t exposed to the routine beforehand. In 1987, researchers at…