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When it Comes to Math, Practice Makes Perfect
Anyone can be good at math – as long as they’re willing to practice, according to recent research. And it’s important to focus on different kinds of math when you’re hitting the books.
The Key to Success in School? GRIT!!!
Researchers are saying that doing well in school – and in all aspects of life – comes down to being gritty. Here’s what that means.
Fun Math Trivia about St. Patrick’s Day
We know that March 17th is associated with shamrocks, leprechauns and wearing green. But what else do we know about St. Patrick’s Day? Here are some little-known facts relayed through our favorite topic in school – Math.
Happy Pi Day, Everyone!
Math geeks know that pi is the distance around a circle divided by its circumference. Today we celebrate that number, which begins with 3.141592653…. (it goes on indefinitely). Visit to learn more. And here are companies celebrating by offering freebies, like pizza.
Are You Smarter than Kobe Bryant? Bill Clinton? Ke$ha?
You’re not the only one who’s sweated the SATs. Compare your scores with those of some famous folks.
Are College Students Smarter than Five Year Olds? You’d be Surprised…
We’ve reported how California schools will teach Algebra to first graders and how five-year-olds are capable of learning Calculus. Now, according to new research, preschoolers outperformed college students in figuring out gadgets and tech-oriented toys.
How Texting Can Kill You (and Not Just While You’re Driving)
Multi-tasking can be great, but be careful what else you’re doing when you text. A recent study shows how dangerous texting can be sometimes.
They’ve Given the SAT a Major Makeover. See What’s Changed…
Today, the organization that administers the SAT announced the first major changes to the exam in almost a decade. Check out what’s different, and remember that Miracle Math Coaching can help you ace the new exam.
Little Ones Can Make Calculus Look Like Child’s Play
In January, we told you how California’s new Math curriculum includes big math concepts for some of its littlest students. So it’s good to read about research showing that the young ones are up to the task.
Let’s Count the Ways that Math is Important…
We always hear how important Math is. But what does that mean in the real world? Here are 10 reasons we should love Math.
How English Teachers Help with Math
A good English teacher can do more than just improve grammar and punctuation, according to a recent Stanford research study.
Want Smart Kids? Send them Outside to Play.
A recent study shows that children who run, jump and otherwise have fun outside are building brainpower as well as muscles.
Parenting a Middle Schooler: Here are some Tips
The years between leaving elementary school and entering high school can be rough for students – and, by association, for their parents. Here’s advice from the Association of Middle Level Education…
Want your Babies to be Smart? Talk to Them.
A new study shows that talking to infants bolsters their brain power; they learn language and vocabulary faster and have an academic advantage when they start school.
Show off your Basic Math Skills on Presidents’ Day
Happy Presidents’ Day! Check this out to celebrate our presidents and solve elementary-level math problems at the same time.