Added by Emmeline in order to easily access migrated blog posts.
Are You Smarter than an 8th Grader?
I was surprised when I came across an 8th grade Math test from the year 1912. Students who nailed this exam could probably teach in today’s middle schools. The questions gave me a headache, and I’m a mathematician. I’ll spare you the really hard questions. Can you answer the three below? The answers are…
5 Simple Ways for Parents to Help Teachers Help your Child
By Deanna Hurn, Founder and CEO of Miracle Math Coaching Consider teachers the Super Heroes of your child’s academic life. Among other powers, they instill knowledge with a vengeance, reinforce it with conviction, motivate like a cheerleader, mentor like a coach and nurture with compassion. School’s starting up, and teachers are fastening on their…
What Happens when a Parent is too Involved?
A mother checks in on her newborn daughter in the middle of the night. After kissing the infant on the cheek, Mom goes back to bed. An hour later, she pads into the room to check again, then leaves. This goes on for an hour as the Mom tries to satisfy her need to know…
How Texting Affects your Child Academically
Children are texting fanatics, especially teens. Research show they send more than 2,000 texts a month. With their heads down and their thumbs pumping like pistons, they retreat into a world of GMTA, FOMCL, DUCWIM and HHIS (see translations below). But that’s good news and bad news. The downsides of texting are obvious: it steals time…
5 More Ways Smart Parents Prepare their Child for the New School Year
There can never be too much advice for how to begin the school year right. Add these ideas to your list of getting your child off to a good start. Contact your child’s teacher early. Getting good grades takes hard work and discipline, and it doesn’t hurt to get on the good side of…
Back to School: Time for Math Homework Help
Remember that time you were sitting in class, paying attention, taking notes, working math problems and feeling great about how to do a quadratic equation? But you went to soccer practice, came home, ate dinner and then sat down to do your homework only to realize you suddenly have no idea how to work out…
5 Hot Careers in Math
What are the best, highest paying, fastest growing careers for math people? It’s no secret that over the next few decades we will see an increase in the demand for people in the medical field and service industry. The need for skilled employees in STEM related careers will increase with the demands of innovation. So…
A Cool Math Trick to Help Your Child Love (or at Least Like) Multiplication
Multiplication is important, especially since it’s a skill that’s essential for Algebra down the road. If your child doesn’t like multiplication, it’s frustrating for them and for you if you don’t know how to help. Check out this cool trick for multiplying by 9 that you can use to jumpstart their interest. Tell your child…
Can You Answer this Question in 20 Seconds?
What parking space # is the car parked in? To find the correct answer quickly, you have to look at the problem from a different angle. Turn the page upside down. Ok, you can’t turn your computers or laptops on their heads, but you probably can read the numbers upside down anyway. A 9 becomes…
Happy (Belated) Global Parents Day!
Happy (Belated) Global Parents Day! I was looking for inspirational quotes about being a parent to share with you because the beginning of June marked Global Parents Day. What I found surprised me: instead of lots of great sayings about being a parent, I came across dozens of quotes about honoring your own parents. There…
10 Summer Activities that Smart Parents can do with their Middle School Students
When the temperatures soar, the last thing students want to do is think about school. But if your middle school student is serious about maintaining good grades and eventually going to a good college, he or she has to keep that educational edge during the vacation months. Studies show that students lose up to three…
Service Learning Projects to Engage Math Students
Inspire Math Students with Action What is service learning? Service learning is different from volunteerism. Volunteerism is defined as the use of volunteer labor to do work that needs to be done. Service learning is like volunteerism in that work that needs to be done is done but in addition, there is an important academic…
The Answer to the Third-Grade Math Problem from Vietnam that has Stumped Millions
In the diagram, the blanks must be filled with any number between 1 and 9 so that the equation works. Each number can only be used once. The colon “:” means divide. (check out the answer) Here’s how Alex Bellos of the Guardian, a newspaper in the United Kingdom, explains it in his May 21, 2015…
Read What Dayna Lipkin Said about Miracle Math
Former Miracle Math Student Dayna Lipkin went on to be a communications major and broadcast superstar at Cal State University, Fresno. Here’s what she had to say about Miracle Math while she was in the program: 1. Why did you seek help from the program? I’ve had trouble with math all of my life. I’ve always needed…
The Math Equation that’ll Keep Your Child from Becoming a Loser
Here it is: Take 3 months of summer fun with no academic work, and subtract 3 months of lost academic achievement (this is called the “Summer Slide”). What does that equal? 1 child who feels like a loser. Children who aren’t academically stimulated during the summer can lose as much as three month’s worth of…