Happy (Belated) Global Parents Day!

Happy (Belated) Global Parents Day!

I was looking for inspirational quotes about being a parent to share with you because the beginning of June marked Global Parents Day.  What I found surprised me:  instead of lots of great sayings about being a parent, I came across dozens of quotes about honoring your own parents.

There are no words to express what my parents, Billy and Gloria Powell, Sr., mean to me.  I’m a complete Daddy’s girl, but I really adore both my Mom and my Dad.  They have always believed in me and supported me in every way even though there were seven of us.  My parents worked so hard to support each and everyone of us, and that work ethic has made such a difference in my life.

I can remember my Dad paying for my acting classes.  One day, after he had spent so much money on acting agencies and headshots, I walked out of one of my audition sessions. “Daddy,” I said, “I don’t want to be an actress anymore.  It’s not for me right now.  I want to major in Mathematics and minor in Fine Arts instead.”

You would have thought he’d be upset, but he looked at me in admiration.  “He said, ‘Oh, boy.  This girl has cost me a lot of money!”  But he supported me, and the rest is history. I went on to major in Mathematics and haven’t looked back.  (Although I would love to have my own sitcom one day or maybe guest star in a few TV shows 🙂

We spend so much time trying to be good parents, that we often don’t recognize where we got our parenting skills from – our own parents.  (Or maybe your parents demonstrated what not to do. That’s still a lesson.).  Whether your parents or those who raised you are with us or not, I think it’s a great idea to honor the people who made you into the person – and parent – you are today.

And as the parent of three active and growing daughters, I know the importance of making sure your children receive the best education possible.  That’s what I expect for my own girls, and that’s what I provide my Miracle Math students.

If you’re looking for additional academic support for your student, please call me at 707-398-3474, ext. 2700 or sign up for a free assessment.

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