Technology that Makes Parents the App-iest

We’re all busy.  And most of us are connected – by phone, tablet, laptop or desktop.  For parents who want to benefit from technology to make the role of “Mom,” “Dad” or “Caretaker” easier, have I got apps for you.

Like all good ideas, parenting apps solves problems – from how to keep track of your child’s schedule to how to keep her occupied on a long car ride.  Because I’m an innovator at heart, I’m most interested in the apps that are a bit quirky, a little bit out of the ordinary.  Of course, I’m also partial to apps that will make my own life easier as the mother of three adorable girls.

Below are five of what I consider the coolest parenting apps around (some are free, and some  have a small cost):

Mom Maps:  When your children are whining about nothing to do, a roadmap leading away from boredom is a must.  Mom Maps shows the most kid-friendly places and activities in your area.  It’s especially useful if you’re in the car or if you’re away from home.  $2.99

SitOrSquat: When Junior has to go, finding the nearest bathroom might feel like searching the proverbial haystack.  With SitOrSquat you can locate the nearest facilities in record time. Free.

Good Food Near You: When you’re on the go, fast food is convenient.  But wouldn’t it be great to locate the nearest healthy restaurants nearby?  This app will find them.  And if you do opt for McDonald’s or Wendy’s, Good Food Near You will tell you what’s the healthiest choice on the menu. Free.

Canvsly: You have an alternative to the refrigerator when you want to show off your little Rembrandt’s artwork. Canvsly allows you to upload your child’s masterpieces so you can carry them on your phone or tablet. $2.99

Choremaster: Doing chores is…well…a chore for kids. This app helps you tie the work they do to rewards of your own choosing. Keep track of who’s making her bed or who’s cleaning out the garage. Free.

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