help children succeed in school

How can I help my student perform better in school?

By Deanna Hurn, Founder and Executive Director of Miracle Math Coaching

“The most overwhelming key to a child’s success is the positive involvement of parents.”  – Jane D. Hull, former Arizona governor

If you’re struggling to help your child do better in school, you can pat yourself on the back.  That doesn’t sound logical, of course, because you’re probably frustrated and discouraged.  I know I feel that way when one of my daughters doesn’t do well.

But trying to figure out what to do is the first step toward helping your child succeed.  So, what’s the second step? Actually, there are three next steps, and they’re backed by academic research.  In a review of 66 studies, reports and books, researchers Ann Anderson and Nancy Berla (of the National Committee for Citizens in Education) found that students got better grades if parents:

Created a home environment for learning.  Foremost is ensuring there’s a quiet, well-lit place set aside for your child to study.  What else can parents to do at home to boost their student’s academic performance?  Some examples include encouraging reading, limiting television, discussing and debating current events and playing board games.

Maintained high expectations.  Parents influence a student’s academic achievement five times more than teachers do, according to a study released in March by the Royal Economic Society in the United Kingdom.
Specifically, families who strongly push the importance of education impact test scores by 50 percent while schools only impact them by 10 percent, the researchers said.  And parental influence mattered the most in math and science exams.

Became involved in their child’s education.  This is where your Village of Support – in other words, your community – comes in.  As I’ve noted before, help from villagers can be crucial.  Here are a reminder of two ideas:

Get to know your child’s teacher – even before the school year starts, if possible.  It’s never too late in the school year to send a note or an email indicating that your child’s education is very important to you.  Let the teacher know that you want to provide support in any way you can to contribute to your child’s success.  And ask if there are other resources at the school – counselors, learning specialists – who can also be helpful.

Talk with other parents about what works and doesn’t work for motivating their own children.  Your parenting peers can be a great resource for helping your child.  Often, parents kids older than your own have gone through the same challenges.  Don’t be afraid to ask other Moms and Dads for advice.

Most important, observe your child to see how he or she responds to the resources you’re taking advantage of.  Does getting extra help from the teacher make a difference?  Do some of the ideas of other parents work for your child?

If you and your child are still stuck, consider contacting me for a FREE Learning Discovery Evaluation.  I can help map out an academic support system for your child, at no cost to you. Why would I do this without receiving compensation?

It’s because I’m a mother of three beautiful girls.  I have established relationships with “villagers” or others within my  local community  in the Fairfield area who have provided excellent counsel on supporting my children.  As I’ve been helped, I’d like to help other parents.

And there really is no obligation.  Just call me at (707) 398-3474 or click here to sign up now. I’m looking forward to showing you the power behind using a “Village of Support” to uplift your child.

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