boost math test scores

6 Proven Strategies to Help Boost Your Student’s Math Test Scores

By Deanna Hurn, Founder and Executive Director of Miracle Math Coaching The year is winding down, but a few tests or quizzes might still lurk in your child’s future.  Some students always ace their Math exams whether the subject is simple addition or pre-Algebra.   The likely reason isn’t rocket science.  It pays to pay…

Understanding your childs schema

Importance of Knowing Your Child’s Schema

Schema are unique patterns associated with the behaviors of a child. Upon observation, you will recognize these patterns in your child. They are regularly displayed as actions that assist the child in making sense of and developing an understanding of the world. In some instances, a child will explore various types of behavior patterns; however,…

harry potter math

How Harry Potter Can Help Make your Child a Math Rock Star

By Deanna Hurn, Founder and Executive Director of Miracle Math Coaching No, it doesn’t have to do with witchcraft. Encouraging students to write creatively – whether a crazy short story or the beginning of a cool fantasy novel – will help them master Math.  Researchers have found that children who write regularly are sharpening brain…


The Learning Science of the Brain

For the past twenty years, pioneering research has dove deep into the workings of the brain. We now know that no two brains are exactly alike. By understanding of the capabilities of the brain, we can improve educational-based research, learning policies, and teaching practices. New information pertaining to cognitive-based neuroscience teaches us how students learn….

math with halloween candy

9 Ways to Use Halloween Candy, Costumes and Cooking to Teach Math

By Deanna Hurn, Founder and Executive Director of Miracle Math Coaching Oh, the many sweet ways to teach Math in late October!  I’ve always said that children learn best when they’re engaged and having fun.  How much more fun can you have than playing dress up and scarfing down candy?  Halloween is the perfect holiday…

5 Myths about Bullying that Parents Need to Know

5 Myths about Bullying that Parents Need to Know

By Deanna Hurn, Founder and Executive Director of Miracle Math Coaching Many of you have been on one side or another of the bullying issue. Either a child has intimidated, harassed or physically harmed your child. Or your son or daughter was the bully. Being a parent in either situation is painful, but it’s especially…

Everyone Has Their Own Cognitive Fingerprint – No Brain is Alike to Another

Everyone Has Their Own Cognitive Fingerprint – No Brain is Alike to Another

When it comes to basic anatomy, all brains are made up of the same thing – gray matter, white matter, neurons, dendrites, axons, water, blood vessels, and fat. However, the innermost workings of the brain are unique from one person to another. According to research conducted by Yale University, each individual has their own cognitive…

talking to child about disasters

Four Things Your Child Needs from You When a Natural Disaster Strikes

By Deanna Hurn, Founder and Executive Director of Miracle Math Coaching The images are disturbing: Rescue workers digging through the rubble of collapsed buildings, neighborhoods destroyed by hurricane winds and massive flooding and the faces of parents and children in shock because they’ve lost everything. Many of us shield our children from too much television,…

telling kids about shootings

What do I Tell my Children about Gun Violence and Terrorism?

By Deanna Hurn, Founder and Executive Director of Miracle Math Coaching My heart is heavy. I’m re-running a post to support parents and children in the wake of another tragedy caused by gun violence, this time in Las Vegas. Our hearts and prayers go out to the victims and families of the worst mass shooting…