Image: A high school student and her mother preparing for a test. Learn the best online test taking strategies.

6 Tips For Preparing For A Test While Distance Learning

Finals season often brings unique stresses for both students and parents alike. This year, students will be taking their final exams online, often for the first time. Online learning and testing, removed from the support and structure of their school and peers, can heighten the challenges students face while studying. Encouraging your child to develop…

Helping a Teen Who Suffers from Severe Test Anxiety Prepare for Their High School Finals

Helping a Teen Who Suffers from Severe Test Anxiety Prepare for Their High School Finals

Most individuals experience some degree of nervousness prior to taking a test or having an evaluation performed; however, there are those that experience both an intense fear of tests and suffer from an immense degree of worry. This is an issue identified among mental health professionals as “test anxiety”. It is a common occurrence among…

studying for test

Miracle Math Coaching Now Offering a Full-Line of Test Prep Services

Today’s world is academically competitive. As a result, more and more students are engaging in a new phenomenon that has the potential to “make” or “break” their future. That is, studying immensely for standardized tests. While each student has their own aspirations – in terms of their education and their future career – the standardized…

Semester Exam Study Tips

Semester Exam Study Tips

7 Scientific-Based Strategies Teens Can Use to Prepare for Semester  Exams As semester exams draw near, parents, teachers, and students everywhere are gathering together, pooling resources, and placing a large emphasis on preparation. Exams are specially-designed to gauge a student’s retention level and their mastery of skills and concepts presented during the first half of…

Preparing for Finals

Preparing for Finals: Scientific Strategies for Prepping Your High Schooler

There are several scientific strategies that will help you prepare your high schooler for those dreaded, end-of-the-year finals; continue reading to learn all about them. Studying for high school finals consists of finding a unique balance of concentration, level of understanding, the ability to retain information, and getting the proper amount of rest. According to…

standardized testing

How Do I Help My Child Prepare for The California State Test?

Spring is fast approaching and it is more important than ever to help your child prepare for the California state educational testing referred to as the “Smarter Balanced” testing system. What is the Smarter Balanced State Test? The Smarter Balanced state test is an educational assessment that uses computer-adaptive testing measures combined with performance-based tasks…

ways to boost test scores

Here’s How Students can Boost their Test Scores

By Deanna Hurn, Founder and Executive Director of Miracle Math Coaching A new semester is a time of year can mean a clean slate for students who didn’t quite reach their potential last semester. Or students who have exceeded expectations can re-dedicate themselves to keeping up the good work. This week I’m offering more specific suggestions…

boost math test scores

6 Proven Strategies to Help Boost Your Student’s Math Test Scores

By Deanna Hurn, Founder and Executive Director of Miracle Math Coaching The year is winding down, but a few tests or quizzes might still lurk in your child’s future.  Some students always ace their Math exams whether the subject is simple addition or pre-Algebra.   The likely reason isn’t rocket science.  It pays to pay…


The ASVAB Test – The First Step to a Rewarding Military Career

Joining the military is a highly rewarding and honorable choice. It takes a high level of commitment and an exceptional level of courage to think outside of yourself and dedicate yourself to the country and all of the citizens, thereof. You must honor your country, the traditions that are part of the country, the people…