Preparing for Finals

Preparing for Finals: Scientific Strategies for Prepping Your High Schooler

There are several scientific strategies that will help you prepare your high schooler for those dreaded, end-of-the-year finals; continue reading to learn all about them.

Preparing for Finals

Studying for high school finals consists of finding a unique balance of concentration, level of understanding, the ability to retain information, and getting the proper amount of rest.

According to educators, professionals in the medical community, and developmental specialists, preparation for high school finals is a task that strains a student both physically and mentally.

In this guide, you will be introduced to scientifically proven strategies for helping your high schooler achieve their best score possible on their finals.

Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and diligence.”Abigail Adams

Study in Intervals

Many parents find themselves pushing and pushing their students to study for long periods of time in order to get ready for finals; however, it has been established that this is counterproductive.

Instead, simply have your child study in intervals of 20-25 minutes at a time and take breaks of 5-15 minutes after each interval. According to studies, distributing the learning process over a period of time is highly beneficial to being able to retain information on a long-term basis.

Teen Exercising

Engage in Cardio

If you want to help your high schooler get ready for their finals, have them engage in a little cardio exercise.

According to studies, 20-minute cardio exercise sessions aid in optimizing the blood flow and oxygen levels to the brain.

In turn, this provides an instantaneous boost to the memory. Examples of cardio-based exercises include walking, jogging, running, swimming, dancing, and aerobics.

Reduce Distractions

Each student has their own study routine in place. Many high schoolers will listen to music, engage in texting, or will run the television while studying.

In actuality, all of these distractions result in less retention during studying.

You should work to reduce distractions; however, for the average teenager, a completely quiet area may be a distraction in itself. If your child requires noise, encourage them to listen to music that only contains instrumentals and not lyrics.


Time management is a critical component of success when it comes to preparing for high school finals. You should schedule study time with time management in mind. A balanced study plan reduces anxiety and aids in boosting performance.

Get a Little Help

If you want to give your high schooler a boost on preparing for their finals, get a little help!

Miracle Math Coaching provides coaching and tutoring sessions that are designed to boost brain power. Our techniques and strategies are based on the concept of brain-based learning.

We create a customized plan with each of the students that we work with in order to create a study regimen that is designed for the way that they learn.

Our discovery process is highly productive in unlocking your child’s true potential. If you would like to get a little help for your high schooler so that they may ace all those final exams, Contact Us Today

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