Let Dreams of Fractions Dance in their Heads


Here’s a radical idea for parents: Instead of reading a bedtime story to your child, how about doing bedtime math? Here’s why it’s a good idea:

Math deserves more attention. Ask any educator how students can best keep their academic edge outside of school. The likely answer: Read. Many schools even provide lists of books to complete during the summer. Reading is that important.

But so is math. It touches almost every aspect of our lives – from technology to music to cooking to sports. Mastering math will help students better navigate the world. Also, earning good grades in math and scoring high on the math section of standardized tests will boost the chances of getting into a good college or university.
So allocate some of that after-pajamas/before-sleep time to math. Young students will learn to associate it with special one-on-one time with Mom or Dad.

You can create your own multiplication flash cards or word problems involving members of the family. Or check out math workbooks for your student’s grade level at the local library or bookstore. Here are some other math resources.

And, yes, we also know that bedtime can be chaotic. But there’s help. For tips and techniques, check out www.bedtimemath.org.

What do you think about math at bedtime?

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