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Measuring the Perfect Meal
By Deanna Hurn, Founder and Executive Director of Miracle Math Coaching With the holidays now in full swing, parents have a great opportunity to reinforce Math concepts. Just enlist your children as helpers in the kitchen. Sure, cooking and baking might take longer with extra hands to guide, but the benefit is clear: This is…
Gratitude Increases Brain Performance
Is your child struggling, academically? Do you find that your child feels frustrated and defeated? Do you find your child sulking in their own self-pity because they are unable to grasp the skills and concepts presented to them? If you answered “yes” to any or all of these questions, you will be pleased to know…
Baking Your Way to Mastering Math
By Deanna Hurn, Founder and Director of Miracle Math Coaching The cool thing about teaching Math in the kitchen is that you can eat your results. And with the holidays coming up, now’s a perfect time to practice baking skills that double as ways to learn Math. Baking is the perfect teacher because it’s a…
Measuring Ingredients Helps Math Skills
It is a known fact that kids absolutely love to cook, to bake, and to engage in experimentations with food! They love measuring ingredients as well. Engaging in activities in the kitchen are not only beneficial to their well-being and helpful in terms of developing life skills, but, also aids in developing fine motor skills,…
Help your Child Strengthen Skills in Math Through Cooking
It is a known fact that children are more likely to experience success in learning about any subject when their parents play an active support role in their learning – this is especially true of math. Learning math through cooking is a great way to support your children. Today, it is becoming increasingly necessary to…
5 Facts Smart Parents Know to Help their Students Get Better Grades
By Deanna Hurn, Founder and Executive Director of Miracle Math Coaching The members of your “Village of Support” don’t all have to be people you know. Here’s a re-run of a previous post that suggests you can tap into experts and their research to help you help your child succeed. I’m a firm believer in…
Does a School Report Card Tell You Anything About Your Child’s Brain?
A school report card is nothing more than a written-based assessment of your child’s academic work, educational progress, and a reflection of their conduct within the traditional school setting. Unfortunately, many parents mistakenly believe that a school report card is a detailed report of their child’s intellect and the capability of their brain. Do report cards actually…
How can I help my student perform better in school?
By Deanna Hurn, Founder and Executive Director of Miracle Math Coaching “The most overwhelming key to a child’s success is the positive involvement of parents.” – Jane D. Hull, former Arizona governor If you’re struggling to help your child do better in school, you can pat yourself on the back. That doesn’t sound logical, of course, because…
How Do I Connect with My Child’s Way of Learning?
By Deanna Hurn, Founder and Executive Director of Miracle Math Coaching Here’s a test for those of you with children who know how to read: Let’s say a gazillioniare offered your family a fortune if your child can memorize some poetry. The length of the poem depends on the age of your child – a…
Helping With Homework: Education Starts at Home
Each school year, millions of parents find themselves struggling when it comes to helping with homework. The truth of the matter is – despite the complications that come with these assignments – homework is a unique opportunity for kids to learn and for families to take an active role in the educational success of their child….
MMC Testimonial: Samai
Student: Samai, Age 10, 6th grade Feedback from Elijah’s Parent… Samai has always been a strong student, but I started to notice she was losing her focus. Once I noticed these changes, I sought help immediately because I did not want to see her grades start trending downward. Consequently, a friend of mine recommended Miracle…
Motivation for Students to Achieve Academic Success
What is the right Motivation for Students to Achieve Academic Success? The family unit is critical to a child’s success – from the point of infancy to the graduation at high school; however, the family unit is not the only aspect of a child’s academic success. As mentioned in previous posts and in numerous presentations, “it…
It Takes a Village to Coach a Child
By Deanna Hurn, Founder and Executive Director of Miracle Math Coaching I spend a lot of time writing about the importance of building a “Village of Support.” As I’ve emphasized, children benefit if a network of caring adults are in their corner. And it helps tremendously if each villager plays a very specific role, ie…
Connecting with Your Child’s Way of Learning
Each and every child has the power to experience success within school and their personal lives. Every single parent, relative, teacher, tutor, and caregiver may play an important role in a child’s success. As we have established in the past, it does take a village to raise a child. It takes a village that includes…
Key Support Your Child Needs and Who Can Provide It
By Deanna Hurn, Founder and Executive Director of Miracle Math Coaching Well, hello again, Miracle Math parents! Probably like you, my husband and I have our hands full as parents, breadwinners and overseers of our household. We would not be able to get by without our “Village of Support.” Teachers, coaches, family members and other…