school children

None of Us Are as Smart as All of Us

In recent years, there has been a significant shift from instructive pedagogy to constructive-based pedagogy; that is, the methods and practices of teaching have transitioned from teacher-centered educational strategies to leader-centered academic instruction.

In today’s world, it is becoming increasingly critical for learning designs that focus on student-centered learning strategies that are team-based. A student has the ability to reach their full potential within a team setting. We are all human.

We are, by design, creatures that excel when placed in a group setting.

As stated profoundly by John Donne, “…. No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent”. This point proves to hold an exceptional amount of truth – especially when it pertains to school-aged children and the learning process.

Real Learning Stems from Group Efforts in Real Contexts

According to numerous studies, it has been established that all students should be immersed in environments that promote real learning.

Students that are strategically placed in academic-focused teams are able to complete projects and solve problems in real contexts through the use of social interaction, varied problem-solving strategies, verbal and non-verbal communication, and detailed collaboration.

The team environment and the social experience aid in promoting the accumulation of knowledge, the acquisition of skills, and the embedment of the subjects directly addressed into the minds of the child for the successful training of the brain.

The learning designs and strategies that promote effective teamwork result in the successful delivery of academic content and the implementation of the skills and knowledge in real-world situations. As a result, students are better able to retain content being taught to them and experience growth in terms of critical thinking skills.

Academic Teamwork

Academic teamwork is a cooperative-based process that allows ordinary individuals to gather and collaborate to reach absolutely extraordinary results. Academic teams have the common purpose of gathering and working together to assist a student in reaching their absolute highest potential.

There are a number of attributes that should be present in an academic team that consists of parents, educators, coaches, and a student to ensure that effective training of the brain is taking place. These attributes include the following:

  • A Solid Commitment to the Success of the Team
  • Shared Goals That Pertain to Educating the Child
  • A High Level of Interdependence
  • Strong Interpersonal Skills
  • A High Level of Open Communication
  • Consistent Positive Feedback
  • Productive Composition of Members
  • Strong Leadership
  • Established Team Processes
  • High Levels of Accountability

As mentioned in our past posts, it does – in fact – take a village to raise, train, and educate a child. No one – especially a school-aged child – should be left alone to absorb all of the skills and facts that are presented in the academic environment.

The establishment of an educational team that includes parents, teachers, and coaches is a positive and productive move when it comes to training the brain of a child that is struggling, academically.

Miracle Math Coaching is dedicated to creating and guiding the team that will lead to your child’s overall success in school.

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