standardized testing

How Do I Help My Child Prepare for The California State Test?

Spring is fast approaching and it is more important than ever to help your child prepare for the California state educational testing referred to as the “Smarter Balanced” testing system. What is the Smarter Balanced State Test? The Smarter Balanced state test is an educational assessment that uses computer-adaptive testing measures combined with performance-based tasks…

young teacher holding chalkboard

Experience is Not the Only Way to Become a Good Teacher

By Deanna Hurn, Founder and Executive Director of Miracle Math Coaching As a teacher just starting out, you might think that lack of experience is your biggest stumbling block.  Years spent in front of a classroom is one of the top qualities of a good teacher, right? Not necessarily.  Surprisingly, experience doesn’t always give you…

mom helping with math skills

Incorporating Math Skills into Daily Routines

According to research, children achieve higher academic success in any subject when parents, actively support learning. Math skills are no different.   In today’s world of accelerated learning and technological advancements, it is more important than ever before for adults to help by engaging in the effort to learn. Our world is in high demand…

Deanna Hurn talking to Parents at Miracle Math Coaching

The Discovery Process Revolutionizes How We Learn

Here at Miracle Math Coaching, we offer a three-part discovery process that, literally, revolutionizes the learning process. Throughout history, many developmental specialists and professionals in psychology have mistakenly believed that we all learn in the same way; however, recent studies have led to developments that conclude that no two people in the world learn in…

ways to boost test scores

Here’s How Students can Boost their Test Scores

By Deanna Hurn, Founder and Executive Director of Miracle Math Coaching A new semester is a time of year can mean a clean slate for students who didn’t quite reach their potential last semester. Or students who have exceeded expectations can re-dedicate themselves to keeping up the good work. This week I’m offering more specific suggestions…

Celebrating Martin Luther King, Jr.’s — By the Numbers

Celebrating Martin Luther King, Jr.’s — By the Numbers

By Deanna Hurn, Founder and Executive Director of Miracle Math Coaching Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a civil rights legend and American hero whose legacy we celebrate next week.  He dedicated his life to fighting injustice and advancing the cause of equal opportunity for all without using violence. We all know about his magnificent…

snowman built over winter break

Winter Break Refreshes the Mind, Body, and Spirit of Students

Winter break is a time that aids in refreshing the mind, the body, and the spirit of students. Students that are refreshed are found to experience higher levels of success in school. If you are reading this, your child has already endured the most challenging aspects of the school year – starting school, adjusting to…

Child waiting to board the Polar Express

Building Your Child’s Schema During Christmas Break

According to developmental specialists, Christmas break is a productive time of the year to place a special emphasis on building your child’s schema. As mentioned in our previous posts, a “schema” is the concept of helping children interpret and organize the information that they are subjected to in a cognitive manner. In turn, this aids…