school children

None of Us Are as Smart as All of Us

In recent years, there has been a significant shift from instructive pedagogy to constructive-based pedagogy; that is, the methods and practices of teaching have transitioned from teacher-centered educational strategies to leader-centered academic instruction. In today’s world, it is becoming increasingly critical for learning designs that focus on student-centered learning strategies that are team-based. A student…

Here’s An Easy Way to Support Your Child’s Education

Here’s An Easy Way to Support Your Child’s Education

By Deanna Hurn, Founder and Executive Director of Miracle Math What do the following have to do with getting good grades? Your son or daughter rocking out to Justin Bieber’s “Sorry” on the radio. Your family cheering as 49ner quarterback Blaine Gabbert’s throws a 40-yard touchdown pass. A swarm of honeybees building a new beehive…

miracle math coaching

Who is Miracle Math Coaching and What Sets Us Apart?

In recent years, Miracle Math Coaching has become a popular name among educators, parents, and students. Who is Miracle Math Coaching? Our tutoring center specializes in brain-based, math-focused, one-on-one coaching in Fairfield. There are many features that set Miracle Math apart from other types of tutoring companies. For example, our brain-based training coaches are not volunteers. They are highly-trained…

no two brains are alike

No Two Brains Are Alike

According to scientific data, no two brains are exactly alike. Many educators, parents, and students are unaware of this fact; however, it has recently been proven. Researchers have established that our brains have the same level of uniqueness as our fingerprints. Anatomically-speaking, each of our brains is very similar to one another. Each brain consists…

Today’s Weaknesses May Become Tomorrow’s Strengths

Today’s Weaknesses May Become Tomorrow’s Strengths

Throughout the Month of August, we here at Miracle Math have expounded on a multitude of topics. We firmly believe that it “…takes a village” to raise a child. By combining our knowledge and experiences with the current educational system, the hot topics of grade inflation and passing along, learning how to reach out for…

5 Ways to Turn Back-to-School into “Back on Track” – A personal Message from our Founder

5 Ways to Turn Back-to-School into “Back on Track” – A personal Message from our Founder

This is a special message to parents from our Founder, Deanna Hurn.  She understands that the struggles our children have are real and wants every parent to be equipped with the knowledge to help their kids achieve their full potential, by sharing a personal story of her own. As our children return to the classroom,…