Math Tutoring Services for Children with Learning Disabilities (Part 1)
Millions upon millions of children suffer from some type of learning disability. These disabilities are neurological-based process problems. These issues have the ability to interfere with learning even the most basic skills, such as math, reading, and writing. Additionally, many of the disabilities that currently plague our children may interfere with other types of skills. These include time management skills, organizational skills, the ability to reason in an abstract manner, critical thinking skills, memory skills, and attention skills. While learning disabilities detrimentally impact the child’s ability to excel in academics, they may also interfere with other aspects of the child’s life – such as the relationships that they share with their family and friends. While we could expound on learning disabilities at great length, for the purpose and intent of this series, we will place our focus on math tutoring services for children with learning disabilities.
Math Deficits Are More Common Than Believed
Before delving into information on math tutoring services for children with learning disabilities, we feel that it is important for you to understand that math deficits are more common than typically believed. It is a fact that kids with disorders associated with math are included within the definition that outlines learning disabilities, but, complications in this particular subject rarely result in a referral for further evaluation. In fact, all of those special education programs offered in school are most often provided in an exclusive manner for kids that have reading disabilities. Once a child is designated as having a learning disability, very few are provided with assessment and remediation as it pertains to their math problems.
As a result of the fact that most children are designated as having a learning disability due to their reading abilities, many parents and teachers are led to believe that math problems are not common or serious. This is a misconception. In fact, it has been determined that approximately 6% or more of all kids have severe issues with math. This figure indicates that math problems are just as relevant as reading problems; however, many researchers believe that math problems may be more prevalent, but, lack of research in this area results in this hypothesis to be nothing more than an assumption, at this point in time. Until an emphasis is placed on properly researching this fact, parents should know and understand that the effects of math problems are highly detrimental – not just to a child’s academic success, but, also to their daily lives. If your child suffers from a learning disability, it is important to obtain math tutoring services to optimize their knowledge of math, improve their reasoning, and optimize their skills.
Math Learning Issues
A student with a learning disability may have mild or severe problems in math. Unfortunately, very little research has been done in this area. While it is believed that there are different variations of disabilities when it comes to math, these variations have yet to be officially accepted and/or validated. Regardless of what math problems are present or what type of learning disability is detrimentally impacting a child, math tutoring services are highly beneficial. Math tutoring services will evaluate the student’s unique strengths and weaknesses in the subject and will determine which emphasis, adaptations, and various types of divergent teaching/learning methods will be required to aid the student, as an individual. Be certain to visit us next week for Part 2 of this series. In the meantime, if you would like to learn more about math tutoring services for your special needs child, visit us today by clicking HERE.