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How to Provide “Growth Feedback”
By Deanna Hurn, Founder and Executive Director of Miracle Math Coaching As a board member of the National Tutoring Association, I’ve had the wonderful opportunity of contributing to its Mentor Workbook. The most recent section I wrote helps mentors give growth feedback to mentees. Because the information can be useful to parents, I’m sharing it…
What we Do at Miracle Math Coaching
BRAIN-BASED. HEART-LED™ Using a proven and productive way to teach math is only as good as the input that is retained. For too long, public school systems have worked with students that immediately catch on to the dynamics of mathematics while the rest of the class never grasps the concept. ‘I do not have enough…
5 Little-Known Ways Mom and Dad Can Play Math Tutor for Spring Break
By Deanna Hurn, Founder and Director of Miracle Math Coaching Yikes! Spring Break! That means seven looooooonnnnnnng days of keeping your children busy. I hope those of you who work have scored big-time in the “I found daycare” lottery. And some of you might have already packed your bags for a family vacation. But some…
Essential Principles Behind Brain-Based Learning
In recent weeks, we’ve been discussing our services for students struggling with math concepts and skills. However, our strategies far extend math-only assistance. In fact, we offer academic coaching that is designed to truly empower students in various areas of study. We aid in college preparation, GED acquisition, ASVAB testing, and even job testing services. We cater…
Getting a Head Start on a Great Progress Report
By Deanna Hurn, Founder and Executive Director of Miracle Math Coaching. For some of your children, the most recent quarter or semester has just begun or is about to begin. So why take steps to get a good progress report now? Cavities! Not literally, of course. But think of a progress report like a dental…
3 Ways the New Miracle Math Website Can Help your Student Succeed
By Miracle Math Founder and Executive Director Deanna Hurn Have you checked out all the pages of the the new and improved Miracle Math website yet? If not, bookmark this link and read on to see how the new website can help your student succeed! It’s an even cooler site than before, with bigger, bolder…
Two Recipes that Boost Brain Power
By Deanna Hurn, Founder and Executive Director of Miracle Math Coaching Just in time for the new year, here’s a past post about improving the way you eat. It’s true what they say: “You are what you eat.” Specifically, what you consume can strongly affect your brain functioning. Below are two recipes that are guaranteed…
Rewiring your Brain for Learning!
The Science of Learning Brain Rewiring to Optimize Success Among Students It has been discovered that the brain is highly flexible organ that has the unique capability to reorganize itself in terms of our cognitive abilities and expand itself – not just in metaphysical growth, but, in actual, physical growth. Neuroplasticity is the Secret to…
And the Oscar Goes to…Math!
By Deanna Hurn, Founder and Executive Director of Miracle Math Coaching You gotta love the true story told in the new hit film, “Hidden Figures.” In an early scene, a little girl stands at a chalkboard scribbling an equation that seems to go on forever. Although Katherine Johnson is pint-sized, her passion for Math is…
Here’s How Valentine’s Day Can Make Your Child Smarter and Happier
By Deanna Hurn, Founder and Executive Director of Miracle Math Coaching It’s simple: Dark chocolate is brain food. It’s been proven to improve memory and boost endorphins (those hormones that make you feel good). So feel perfectly justified to indulge your family with dark chocolate the week of February 14th. As you know, Miracle Math…
Who Will Your Child be in the Year 2035?
By Deanna Hurn, Founder and Director of Miracle Math Coaching I often wonder what kind of women my girls will become. And I don’t mean what careers they’ll have. If they stay true to their dreams, Ramiyah will be a personal injury lawyer, Sariah will be a doctor or medical specialist and Ariella will be…
How Miracle Math Coaching is Different
Miracle Math Coaching is quite different than the standard tutoring programs that have existed all throughout history to aid children experiencing academic complications. Conventional tutoring often offers one-on-one coaching sessions that focus on the skills and concepts that a child is being presented with in the traditional classroom setting; however, the coaching services offered through…
What does a Report Card tell me about How Much my Child Knows?
By Deanna Hurn, Founder and Executive Director of Miracle Math Coaching Report card time can cause extra anxiety for students and for you, as parents. But to truly figure out how well (or not so well) your child is doing, you have to know what the report card means. Easy peasy, you say? “A” means…
Exercising the Body is Good for the Brain
By Deanna Hurn, Founder and Executive Director of Miracle Math Coaching One of the most popular New Year’s Resolutions is exercising more. But you might not know the importance of exercise in your child’s academic life. Check out a favorite post of mine about how moving around helps students excel. Students who forgo the remote…
Brain-Based Learning Increasing in Popularity
Brain-Based Learning is Quickly Increasing in Popularity Among Educators, Tutors, and Parents Educators, tutors, and parents are now starting to identify and see the numerous benefits associated with brain-based learning; as a result, this is gaining an immense amount of popularity in terms of contextual education. It is a known fact that the brain plays…