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Teaching Baby Math!
Surprise! Babies Understand Some Math. And Here’s How to Teach Them Even More By Deanna Hurn, Executive Director of Miracle Math Coaching Any pregnant Mom knows that talking with and playing music for her unborn children is a good thing. I did it. Studies prove it. More important, it makes sense. Beginning at 20 weeks,…
Your Child Hates Multiplication; Here’s How to Turn that Around
By Deanna Hurn, Founder and Executive Director of Miracle Math Coaching Multiplication is important, especially since it’s a skill that’s essential for Algebra down the road. If your child doesn’t like multiplication, it’s frustrating for them and for you if you don’t know how to help. Check out this cool trick for multiplying by 9…
5 Ways Smart Parents Prepare their Child for the New School Year
By Deanna Hurn, Founder and Executive Director of Miracle Math Coaching Summer is winding down, and the beginning of another school year is fast approaching. The good news is that students face a clean slate when they return to the classroom. Here are five tips to ensure a good start to your child’s school year:…
Grade Inflation: “A” is The New “Average”
Grade inflation is becoming an increasingly hot topic among schools, educational coaches, and parents. In each grade level – elementary, middle, and high school – grades should serve as a reliable means and benchmark to measure a student’s readiness for the following grade level. In basic terms, grade inflation is the process of providing a…
Miracle Math Coaching Offers a REAL Response for Struggling Students
If you have a child that is struggling with their academic coursework, you are probably no stranger to the Response to Intervention that is commonly offered at various types of schools. This is a multi-tier educational approach that focuses on identifying and supporting kids that have unique learning needs and/or behavior needs. Those students that…
Simple Strategies to Improving Your Child’s Math Skills – Part 2
Mathematics is now considered to be one of the most important subjects of the educational system. As innovation and technological advancements continue to increase in our world, the demand for math-based knowledge also increases. We must make certain that our kids have the skills that are necessary to succeed in the subject. It should not stop…
Simple Strategies to Improving Your Child’s Math Skills – Part 1
As a parent, you actively support your child’s learning. Today – more than ever before – we must help children develop an appreciation for mathematics. In doing so, they are sure to master the subject. Our world is becoming increasingly technological. As a result, it demands for a strong skill set in mathematics in both our…
Brain Training Helps Academic Success
According to numerous studies, teaching is often not enough to help students achieve true academic success. Teachers are often strapped for time and are provided with a strict regimen of preparing students for state testing. In fact, the educational agenda of today’s traditional schooling systems is now more focused on test preparation than true academic…
Today’s Realities Force Parents to Let go of Yesterday’s Memories – Part 5
Thank you for rejoining us for our final installment in this comprehensive series. As a parent, you value your child and their ability to embark on their educational journey in a highly successful fashion. You are currently working to build a “village” that will aid in your child’s success. Last week, you were provided with…
What your Dog is Thinking Can Help your Child with Math
By Deanna Hurn, Executive Director of Miracle Math Coaching. Today’s tip for helping your child with Math: Teach them Philosophy! Didn’t see that coming, did you? But forget all that high-minded stuff about Plato and Socrates. What I’m talking about is much easier than that. Introducing children to Philosophy is as simple as encouraging them…
Today’s Realities Force Parents to Let go of Yesterday’s Memories – Part 4
We thank you for joining us this week for yet another installment of our series, Today’s Realities Force Parents to Let go of Yesterday’s Memories. By this point, it is quite likely that you have started to construct that proverbial “village” mentioned in the ancient African proverb so long ago…. You know and you understand…
Today’s Realities Force Parents to Let go of Yesterday’s Memories – Part 3
Thank you for returning to read our third installment in our series, Today’s Realities Force Parents to Let go of Yesterday’s Memories. In the past couple of installments, you have learned that the “village” described by the ancient Africans is a true necessity in today’s world; however, it no longer exists. A significant separation of…
Today’s Realities Force Parents to Let go of Yesterday’s Memories – Part 2
If you have returned for Part 2 of our series, Today’s Realities Force Parents to Let go of Yesterday’s Memories, it indicates that you are genuinely passionate about your child’s education. Additionally, you care about their well-being. You know and understand that today’s educational system is not providing what your child needs. Last week, you…
Today’s Realities Force Parents to Let go of Yesterday’s Memories – Part 1
Throughout history, it has always been considered an appropriate measure for parents, communities, and schools to work together. It has been established that this joint effort is not only effective in promoting the health and the well-being of students, but that it promotes the academic success of the students. Unfortunately, this is quickly changing in…
Math Camp Prevents Summer Slide – Part 2
Thank you for returning to our concluding installment of the series, Math Camp Prevents Summer Slide – Part 1. Last week, you learned that math camps offer fun and entertaining methods for encouraging your child to continue learning throughout the often unproductive months when school is out for the summer. You also learned about the “Summer…