Today’s Realities Force Parents to Let go of Yesterday’s Memories – Part 3

Thank you for returning to read our third installment in our series, Today’s Realities Force Parents to Let go of Yesterday’s Memories. In the past couple of installments, you have learned that the “village” described by the ancient Africans is a true necessity in today’s world; however, it no longer exists. A significant separation of community from the school system has occurred. As parents, we must accept this separation and adjust, accordingly. It is OUR job, as parents, to create the “village” that our children need. The education system is failing. You have probably established the fact that the traditional school system is simply not providing enough to our kids. We must give more to our kids; after all, they are now receiving so little. In this installment, we are going to outline ways that you may ensure that your child receives a quality education next school year.

Step #1: Prevent The Summer Slide
It is a known fact that children have the capability of losing approximately three months’ worth of academic progress over the summer months. This information is backed by well over 100 years’ worth of research. One of the ways that we may ensure that our children receive the best education possible next school year is to do our part to prevent summer slide from occurring. The following outlines a few productive ideas to prevent summer slide:

  1. Ensure that your child reads daily.
  2. Send your child to an educational-based summer camp.
  3. Take your child to educational locations over the summer.
  4. Engage in activities that utilize math skills such as cooking, playing games, planting a garden, and using flash cards.
  5. Obtain a tutor that will keep your child fresh in math and language arts skills throughout the summer.

Step #2: Send Your Child to a Brain-Based Math Camp
If you want to make certain that your child stays fresh through the summer months and receives the best start to their education next school year, send them to a brain-based summer math camp! These types of camps are perfect for those students that are struggling in math, cannot correlate math to real-life experiences, lacks confidence in math, and does not seem to grasp the skills and concepts that are presented in the classroom. These types of camps are designed to boost your child’s confidence levels and prepare them for academic success in the upcoming school year. A wide variety of educational experiences that include entertaining activities are awaiting your child!

There are many ways to make certain that your child receives the best education possible in the upcoming school year. As a parent, you are able to create a “village” for your child that will ensure their overall success. Even though there is a distinct separation between communities and schools, it is possible to reach out to those within your community for additional support. Be sure to return next week as we continue to expound on ways to ensure your child gets the best education possible next year!

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