Added by Emmeline in order to easily access migrated blog posts.
7 Websites for Parents who Want to see A’s on Report Cards
Technology is your new BFF if you want your children to stay ahead academically. You know enough to outlaw the bad stuff – no videogames of cold-blooded snipers taking out neighborhoods, and, definitely, no Facebook, Tweeting, Snapchatting, Instagramming, Pinteresting and texting during homework or dinner time. But there’s a treasure trove of apps and websites…
How Not to Raise a Liar
No one wants to raise a Pinocchio, the child whose nose grew every time he told a lie. When you catch your children telling a fib, what should you do? Give them a time out? Take away their TV time? Spank them? The answers are “no,” “no” and “no”. Check out what experts say about how…
How Did Miracle Math Coaching Help Elijah Montenegro?
[et_pb_section admin_label=”section”][et_pb_row admin_label=”row”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text” background_layout=”light” text_orientation=”left” use_border_color=”off” border_color=”#ffffff” border_style=”solid”] Answered by Elijah’s parents, Michelle and Javier Montenegro: Why did you seek help from the Miracle Math Coaching Program for Elijah? The beginning of first grade, Elijah’s teacher went out on unexpected medical leave. The absence of his teacher left the class with no structure,…
Learn How to be an “A” Student with our Miracle Math Workshops
Last month’s Miracle Math workshops were a blast! we taught students two of the most important techniques for earning A’s in class: Getting Organized and Beating Test Anxiety. Plus, we had our first workshop of Miracle Math Feud, based on the television game show, “Family Feud.” Find out more about our workshops, and call (707)…
Let Cranberry-Apple Crisp Boost Your Brain Power
What you consume can strongly affect your brain functioning. From time to time, I’m going to provide one of my brain food recipes. They’re easy to put together, and they’ll make you an Einstein. Enjoy! Cranberry-Apple Crisp Cranberries top the list of antioxidant-rich foods. And as we all know, antioxidants are a superfood that help bolster our…
Exploring American Attitudes Toward Math
What attitudes do American’s have toward math? It depends on who you talk to. But there are some common attitudes expressed among different groups of people that we should pay attention to when working to get kids more excited about math. What attitudes do adults and parents have toward math? Change the Equation, an organization…
How Did Miracle Math Help Sabelle Dumas?
Sabelle Dumas was a student at Vanden High School in Fairfield when she was enrolled at Miracle Math Coaching. Here’s a little about her experience: 1. Why did you seek help from the program? I was failing Math, and knew I needed to pass the class to keep on track for college. 2. How were you doing in…
Which Celebrity would this Academic Coach Want to Teach?
Jessica Gregory is another FANTASTIC Miracle Math Coach. Here are three questions to help you get to know her better: 1. If she could coach any celebrity, who would it be and what would she teach? In my tutoring dreams, I would love to teach my favorite singer, Regina Spektor. I would teach her some…
“Grit” Determines Academic Success
Do you have a child who never gives up, no matter what? If she had to do 100 pull-ups by the end of the week, would she give it her all every day? If your son had to sell 1,000 candy bars by the end of the month, would he knock on as many doors…
The Homework Ate my Family
Parents and students alike groan about homework. Students obviously don’t want more school after school. But some parents think it sucks, too. The complaint is that it disrupts the household and eats into family time. Between juggling after-school activities, cooking dinner and finishing chores, who has time for helping your child struggle through Common Core Math?…
How Miracle Math Coaching Helped Samai Become a School Superstar!
Samai Wilson is 10 years old and a 6th grader at Holy Spirit School in Fairfield. Check out how what her Mom, Akosua Demann, has to say about how Miracle Math Coaching helped her daughter succeed in school. Why did you seek help from the Miracle Math Coaching Program? Samai has always been a strong student,…
Technology that Makes Parents the App-iest
We’re all busy. And most of us are connected – by phone, tablet, laptop or desktop. For parents who want to benefit from technology to make the role of “Mom,” “Dad” or “Caretaker” easier, have I got apps for you. Like all good ideas, parenting apps solves problems – from how to keep track of…
How Smart a Valentine are You?
How much do you know about Valentine’s Day? 1. What does the word “Valentine” mean? A. Sweetheart B. Victorious C. Strong D. Love What percent of women send themselves Valentines each year? A. 2…
How do you Raise a Thinking Child?
In an earlier post, I asked whether you were raising Zombies. Not the “Walking Dead” variety, of course, but the non-thinking kid kind. Whether your children are already geniuses or still trying to find their way academically, you can help them (check out my daughter, Sariah, drinking a smoothie that stimulates her brain.) If you…
Is Your Child a Thinker or a Zombie?
We all want our children to be Einsteins. Parenting Expert Vicki Hoefle says it best: “Thinking Kids are WAY more FUN to Raise than Zombie kids who don’t think for themselves.” So what’s the difference between brilliant and, well, er…not so brilliant? Here are guidelines: · Thinking children ask lots of questions. Why? Why? Why?…