Added by Emmeline in order to easily access migrated blog posts.
Does the Fate of the U.S. Economy Rest on Your Child’s Precious Shoulders?
By Deanna Hurn, Founder and Director of Miracle Math Coaching The short answer is: “Of course not.” But if your child likes Math (or at least doesn’t hate it), he or she can help ensure the economy stays strong. To continue as a world economic leader, the United States must dramatically increase STEM jobs –…
Benefiting from Parent Teacher Conferences – Part 2
Thank you for continuing to follow our series, Benefiting from Parent Teacher Conferences. Last week, you learned that positive levels of communication between a parent and a teacher aids in improving academic performance. A conference is a method of ensuring that both parties are deeply involved in the education of a child. Not only is…
How the Stock Market can Help your Child with Math
By Deanna Hurn, Founder and Executive Director of Miracle Math Coaching Probably like you, I don’t have a lot of time to plop down in front of the television or sit at the computer to catch up on current events (what with all the cooking, cleaning, acting as chauffeur, helping with homework and the little…
Benefiting From Parent Teacher Conferences – Part 1
There are several unique ways to benefit from parent teacher conferences. According to research, positive communication between a parent and a child’s teacher is known to improve the academic-based performance of that child. It is imperative to become deeply involved in your child’s education. Parent teacher conferences are wonderful opportunities for you to open up…
We’re Hiring!
We are growing! and need to fill 2 coaching positions! Become a Mission Driven Academic Coach The Miracle Math Coaching Center is a quality focused comprehensive tutoring service with proven results in improving grades, study skills and boosting academic achievement. Our Mission Objective: Looking for excited and experienced educators to join Miracle Math Coaching’s team…
5 Children’s Programs that Promote Math Skills
By Deanna Hurn, Founder and Executive Director of Miracle Math Coaching If given the option, would your children rather watch television or read? Unless you’re raising a true bookworm (as I was as a kid), the answer is a resounding “TV.” And most of us know that time in front of that screen – if…
How Tutoring Improves Self-Esteem and Confidence
There are many ways that tutoring improves the self-esteem and confidence of a child. For numerous students, high levels of self-esteem and confidence are naturally part of their personalities. Unfortunately, for those that struggle academically, self-esteem and confidence may quickly fade. When a child loses their confidence, they may also lose the ability to learn…
The New SAT – Yikes! Miracle Math Coaching Offers Prep
March 2016 marks the release of the new SAT. According to information released from those that have designed this new test and those that have had the privilege of seeing the content of the new test, it is much different than the current SAT. In years past, this test included three different sections. The new…
Doing Something Different This Semester – Be Proactive Not Reactive
As a mom, you know and understand that your child did not come with an instruction book. Despite our ability to require such a resource, these have yet to enter the world next to our tiny bundles of joy. We often make mistakes. This is common among parents. If you recognize those mistakes, THAT is…
How to Leverage a Fresh Start….A New Semester!
If your child is struggling in mathematics, it may be time to leverage a fresh start in the new semester. Psychologists refer to this as the “Fresh Start Effect”. The studies surrounding this effect have most commonly been associated with resolutions made at the onset of a New Year; however, psychologists claim that this effect…
The Growth Mindset Sets the Tone for Positive Performance in Academics
The growth mindset is an increasingly powerful concept that aids in setting the tone for positive performance among students in academic subjects, such as mathematics. Throughout history, many – both young and old – have held the belief that each of us is either born with a brain that is able to understand and perform…
Speaking Positively to Your Child
If you want your child to perform up to their abilities academically, cooperate with you, and truly listen to you, it is essential that you engage in the act of speaking positively to your child. As a parent, it is quite likely that you have forcefully spoken to your child and bombarded them with various…
How to Stay Fresh on Mathematical Concepts and Enjoy Holiday Breaks
Learning how to keep your child fresh on mathematical concepts while enjoying the holiday breaks that they are provided throughout the school year may prove to be a challenging endeavor; however, we here at Miracle Math Coaching have several unique ideas that will aid you in this task. It is easy for kids to get…
MMC Testimonial: Jack
Feedback from Jack’s mother: My son, Jack, had problems in retaining information read and expressing himself well in writing. His teachers felt that he was not putting in the effort to understand the questions and expanding upon what was being asked. Before entering the program, Jack was earning a C in English. In the…
Have You Given Up, Mom?
Living with or attempting to teach a kid that has difficulties in thinking in terms of numbers and mathematical concepts may prove to be a challenging and emotionally-charged experience – even for the most loving and patient of all moms. Have you attempted to harness your child’s ability to grasp math concepts, only to end…